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Out of words?

Written by Natalie | May 15, 2024

Today, I'm thinking about email length, specifically the end result.

When you are sitting there, ready to write, remember this:

It's about the click.

That’s it.

Every step of the way:

🢂 Getting into their inbox

🢂 Gaining their attention

🢂 Giving information

Is the build-up to that amazing click.

You can get away with a single sentence and a hyperlink in the right circumstances. (Swerve image-only emails as they often get flagged as spam.)


What does everyone else do?

Aweber crunched the numbers. Over half of all emails had less than 300 words, which can be be finished in under a minute.


Brevity is the soul of marketing.

Length matters, because the average business person gets 121 emails a day (Neilsen) and 60% of us open those emails on our phone. We’ve learned to scroll, scan, delete and move on. It’s more ruthless than dating.


Context also matters.

Not every email has to be short. You can get to the point multiple times in one message, depending on your goal and audience.


The long and short of it.

Here’s two examples from my inbox heroes.

John Espiran (53 words)

Jo Watson (885 words)

That was just a snippet - you can see the full email here.
Jo added 10 different links whilst showing gratitude to her email list.

So what should I do?

Keep experimenting with the end goal in mind.

This article originally appeared in my Wednesday newsletter.
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