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Repeat, Repurpose, Reward.

Most businesses spend twice as much much time on their social media content than email, even though email (on average) rewards them with twice the amount of clicks compared to Facebook and Twitter. It’s time to align your efforts to better results.

By Natalie, December 02, 2023

The email myths that refuse to die!

They are worse than a vampire with a garlic fetish. I hear these myths time and time again to the point where they are my pet peeves. So this blog post is partly to put your fears to rest and partly my unredacted scream through the cloud of confusion that surrounds email marketing.

By Natalie, November 06, 2023

Five fun ways to increase your email list

You’ve tried ads, competitions and quizzes. You’ve plastered your sign-up form everywhere and your signature looks like a BuzzFeed ad. What else can you do?

By Natalie, August 13, 2023

Segmenting your list, like your social life

You have to start thinking of your audience, as you would do the school playground - as a five-year-old child! Are you ready to start smiling? And getting a better reaction from your readers?

By Natalie, July 28, 2023

When to ignore the email experts (including me)

You can google anything you want to know about email marketing - except for the moments when you need to trust your instincts.

By Natalie, May 09, 2023

Who is subscriber 154 in your email list?

Email is more than a sales tool. In this article, we look at the simple art of connecting to your readers on a 1-2-1 basis.

By Natalie, April 02, 2023

How to throw your hook into their weary, cynical hearts and leave them smiling

The original premise of this post was about high-converting email copy. In theory, emails have been around since the dawn of the internet.

By Natalie, February 19, 2023