The email myths that refuse to die!
They are worse than a vampire with a garlic fetish. I hear these myths time and time again to the point where they are my pet peeves. So this blog post is partly to put your fears to rest and partly my unredacted scream through the cloud of confusion that surrounds email marketing.
By Natalie, November 06, 2023
Love letter. Not Newsletter.
Do you have a blank mind, to match that paper when you sit down to write? That’s because you are thinking like a business - when you should be thinking like, well, you. Here’s your foolproof way to enjoy writing to your subscribers - and to sell more when the time is right.
By Natalie, September 01, 2023
Five fun ways to increase your email list
You’ve tried ads, competitions and quizzes. You’ve plastered your sign-up form everywhere and your signature looks like a BuzzFeed ad. What else can you do?
By Natalie, August 13, 2023
Segmenting your list, like your social life
You have to start thinking of your audience, as you would do the school playground - as a five-year-old child! Are you ready to start smiling? And getting a better reaction from your readers?
By Natalie, July 28, 2023
Why I rejoiced when I watched an AI program write articles
AI is built to be predictable and repeatable. In a word; boring. You might get people to your site through a Google search, but you certainly won’t keep them there.
By Natalie, June 25, 2023
A/B testing for results that matter
One of the best things about email marketing is the fast feedback. With A/B tests, you can get the results back in as little as an hour and the right tweaks can make your results soar.
By Natalie, June 08, 2023
Beating “blank page” syndrome for email
Email is a content game, not a sales game - and you are in it for the long haul. So, use this list when you are staring at the screen on Sunday evening, wondering what on earth to write.
By Natalie, May 18, 2023